I have some common separated text files, with some having same value on the second field while all other fields having different values, What I want is to get the last records from each group(based on second field), here is how to do it
cat data.txt|awk 'BEGIN {FS = OFS = ","}
last != $2 {
if(last != "") print first,last, hi3
first = $1
last = $2
hi3 = $3 FS $4 FS $5 FS $6 FS $7 FS $8 FS $9 FS $10 FS $11 FS $12
{hi3 = $3 FS $4 FS $5 FS $6 FS $7 FS $8 FS $9 FS $10 FS $11 FS $12}
END { if(last != "") print first,last, hi3}'