Friday, August 30, 2019

Oracle APEX: url inside email contains ROWID

If your email contains a url which has ROWID as part of it, be careful because sometime the ROWID has some 'special' character which the browser will 'convert' it to 'space' and when that happens, ur url will broke(today I have one record which has the '+' in the ROWID).

Here is how to get it address:

inside your email procedure, replace the rowid with APEX_UTIL.URL_ENCODE(IN_ROWID), so your procedure will looks like this:

Before change:

create or replace procedure my_email(in_rowid varchar2) is

After change:

create or replace procedure my_email(in_rowid varchar2) is

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

DA, Page Items to Submit and Page Items to Return

If you have a pl/sql type DA, the "Page Items to Submit" and "Page Items to Return" will be important, you must put the right Item into different bucket otherwise your DA may not work.

Basically, Items in "Page Items to Submit" will be those Items that you want to use the values inherit from your database inside your plsql block; while Items in  "Page Items to Return" will be those that you have changed their value and want to submit back to the databases by the page process.